This change of sampling technique requires that the function for estimating the desired quantity is modified accordingly

In contrast to other tumors, primary melanoma lesions can be detected early, when the tumor is very small and thus very little material may be available for additional highthroughput analysis. We then collect the predictions for the remaining 178 cases and determine whether the use of a VDA approach is beneficial in terms of cost, relative to a random sampling strategy to select predictions for validation. We conduct this simulation 500 times, each time using a different training set of 20 predictions selected at random. Since KNN and SVM are affected by the dimensionality of the data, we reduce the set of genes to a pool of 100 genes, selected at random for every simulation. Despite this arbitrary choice, the top algorithms held good performances, suggesting that tumors from different organs exhibit global differences in their gene expression profiles. The present study shows how sampling strategies other than random sampling can yield better results in the context of evaluating machine learning applications to biological and medical fields. The novelty and strength of this alternative sampling strategy are in the design of validation sets that maximize the difference in predictions between algorithms of interest. In contrast to other performance assessment techniques, such as crossvalidation, the VDA procedure is intended to serve as a guide in the design of independent validation datasets to test the performance of existing algorithms. Using the validations from the VDA dataset to fine-tune internal parameters of any algorithm is strongly discouraged, as it may lead to biases in the application of Equation 5 as well as overfitting estimates of accuracy. The VDA procedure borrows principles from importance sampling in Monte Carlo simulations and from active learning. Similar to importance sampling, a more efficient sampling technique replaces the original mechanism; this achieves quicker variance reduction in the estimation of the desired quantity. This change of sampling technique requires that the function for estimating the desired quantity is modified accordingly. In this sense, we reformulate the AUCROC estimator to reflect the fact that the VDA sampling strategy explores different Abmole SP600125 partitions of the data according to their ability to discriminate between algorithms. In active learning, the ground truth of a set of predictions is demanded from the oracle in order to improve a classifier or a learning task. Similar to the predictions in the VDA validation set, these predictions have the expectation of leading to maximum performance gain, such as increasing the discriminatory power. However, VDA is generally not intended to be an online or dynamic procedure, nor is its selected validation set supposed to be used to optimize any parameters. Recent developments in machine learning have suggested that the use of combinations of suboptimal algorithms, or weak learners, may result in a super-algorithm with improved performance. The possibility to build such classifiers is not in contrast to the basic idea of using VDA. As there is a combinatorially large number of ways to combine algorithms together, VDA should still be employed to assess and compare the performances of the super-algorithms of interest, while carefully avoiding the use of VDA validation dataset to build such superalgorithms, which would overfit the super-algorithms to the validation data. In summary, the main advantage of VDA relative to random sampling is that VDA constructs a partition set of the predictions based on global comparisons between algorithms.