In MS, however, disease onset is usually between 30–40 years of age, at an age where most patients would have completed their education and started a working career. Higher education is associated with better job opportunities and a greater likelihood of being employed at all with better employment benefits and higher wages. In addition to economic benefits, higher education represents social advantages including sense of control,Thapsigargin social standing and greater influence over own working conditions. Higher educated individuals are also more likely to practice health promoting behaviors such as to abstain from smoking and attend regular health check-ups. All reasons that could explain the higher risk of employment among highly educated MS patients. Type of occupation did not influence employment status among the MS patients. This finding is in accordance with two previous studies that also found occupation types to be unrelated to employment. However, none of these studies, including ours, examined other important working conditions like flexible work schedules and other important workplace accommodations. Numerous working conditions in addition to jobs demanding physical strength were examined in Verdier-Taillefer DCMU case-control study on factors related to unemployment among MS patients, and this study found that jobs requiring physical strength increased the odds of unemployment. The present study was a cross-sectional cohort study, meaning that we could not predict causality between work ability and the different variables studied. In addition, future studies should also address issues not pursued in our study such as cognitive functional tests to assess possible relations between cognitive disability and employment. In addition, we did not assess environmental work factors that could influence employment, such as support by coworkers and close family, the ability to rest at work and the relation between employer and employee at the work place. We began this research with the purpose of gaining a better understanding of the reasons related to work ability in MS. From descriptive analyzes, we observed a significantly higher employment rate among patients with RRMS than in patients with progressive types of MS, PPMS in particular.