In our analysis, bortezomib was given twice a week and dexamethasone was administered at 160 mg for every course. ORRs reached 65–88% for the PD regimen, including at least 30–40% VGPR and about 20% CR/nCR. A phase 3 clinical trial IFM 2005-01 reported that in newly diagnosed patients who were suitable for ASCT, NCT-501 the ORR, CR/nCR, and effects better than VGPR for PD was 78.5%, 14.8% and 37.7%, respectively. The same results were observed in patients with poor disease stage or with adverse chromosomal abnormalities. However, PD offered slight advantages with respect to PFS and OS but these were not statistically significant. Three-drug combinations were more effective than PD regimen, and for PFS, a three drug combination was better and OS was superior to PD. The median OS for the PD arm was 44.0 months while other arms were not reached, Respective 3-year OS was 86.3%, 75.1%, 75.5%, 65.3% with PCD, PAD, PTD and PD regimens, respectively. Because ours was only a retrospective study and the data can be affected by many factors although all the treatment center reach the consensus of MM. Therefore, further prospective randomized clinical trials are needed to confirm the induction treatment effect on PFS and OS. At present, prognostic factors of patients with MM include host factors, such as age, abnormal cytogenetics,ONO-AE3-208 D-S stage and ISS stage. ISS stage was derived from more than 11,000 patients and based on serum beta 2-microglobulin and albumin measurements and this criteria defines three risk groups with median survivals of 62, 44 and 29 months, respetcively. In our study, ISS appears to be less helpful for predicting PFS and OS in Chinese populations, the results suggested that ISS had limitation when used for MM patients in China, but further randomized clinical trals are required to confirm this assertion. Combination therapies based on bortezomib do not appear to cause serious adverse events, and we found this to be true as well.