Since L-proline participates in several differential processes in Tcruzi

Since L-proline participates in several differential processes in T. cruzi with respect to mammalian host cells, we hypothesize that inhibition of proline metabolism in T. cruzi could have more severe effects on the parasite biology that on host cells. Various L-proline analogues such as T4C have been used as inhibitors of proline metabolism in prokaryote and eukaryote organisms. AEA binds to and activates cannabinoid receptors of which there are two main isoforms, cannabinoid receptor 1 and CB2. In the human, CB1 is considered to be the main receptor in the central nervous system and is EX 527 expressed in many other peripheral tissues such as the adrenal gland, ovaries, uterus, testis, prostate, and placenta. In contrast, CB2, which is not expressed in the brain except in conditions of extreme stress, is mainly found in immune-based tissues such as the spleen, tonsils, thymus, bone marrow, B-cells, natural killer cells, monocytes, polymorphic mononuclear cells, neutrophils and T8-and T4-postive cells and more recently in the 1st trimester trophoblast. On binding and internalisation,Niltubacin AEA is degraded to arachidonic acid and ethanolamine by the microsomal enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase. FAAH and NAPE-PLD are considered to be the main regulators of AEA in target tissues often referred to as ‘anandamide tone’. The ligands, receptors and enzymes as a group constitute the main components of the endocannabinoid system. Our knowledge about the effect of cannabinoids on the ovary comes from studies in animals and marijuana users. Nevertheless, a direct adverse effect on the ovary were clearly observed as cannabis users were at a higher risk of primary infertility due to anovulation, and even when these women had IVF treatment, they produced poor quality oocytes and lower pregnancy rates compared to non-users. AEA has been demonstrated in ovarian follicular fluids at the time of oocyte retrieval in IVF cycles suggesting that it may play a role in ovarian follicle or oocyte maturity. However, the source of AEA in the follicular fluid and its possible role within the ovary remains poorly understood.