Unlike the other two treatments, where the number of immune genes increased from 8 to 72 h, Acetylcimigenol-3-O-alpha-L-arabinopyranside vaccinated individuals showed the peak of maximum expression of these sequences at 24 h and a relevant reduction at 72 h. But, interestingly, as it was illustrated in the Venn diagrams vaccinated fish presented the major number of exclusive modulated genes at 72 h. Therefore, although the number of regulated sequences decreased at 72 h and the total number of up and down-regulated genes was lower in vaccinated fish with regard to the other groups, this exclusivity could be associated with genes directly related with the existence of adaptive immunity. In order to effectively combat viral infections and other diseases, vertebrate organisms have developed an efficient, powerful and integrated defense network comprising both innate and adaptive immune mechanisms. Numerous defensive processes or families of molecules implicated in non-specific or specific responses against VHSV were analyzed using hierarchical clustering in order to define the transcriptomic profiles after pMCV1.4-G860 vaccination as well as after VHSV infection in vaccinated and non-vaccinated turbot. Sequences directly related with the TLR pathway, IFN system, apoptosis, MHC-I antigen presentation, and coagulation among others were shown to be involved in the viral infection and also in the protection provided by the vaccine. Virus detection by the innate immune system is carried out by a class of molecules known as pattern recognition receptors, which detect specific evolutionary conserved structures on pathogens, termed pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Toll-like receptors, a class of PRRs, have been established to play a crucial role in the innate immune response to pathogens through the activation of 4-(Aminomethyl)benzoic acid intracellular signalling pathways, which ultimately induce expression of a large number of genes encoding type I interferons, inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, and other molecules affecting the initiation of adaptive immune responses. DNA vaccine administration significantly up-regulated the expression of TLR8, a PRR directly implicated in the recognition of viral nucleic acids, with regard to the PBS control group post-immunization.