T. gondii is a potent trigger for, and direct regulator of, this signaling pathway and its presence could upset programming of expression of these two genes, both of which have NFkB transcription factor binding sites in their promoters, during eye or brain development. It is also possible that the parasite may directly interfere with methylation and/or histone acetylation patterns of host DNA, thereby directly affecting epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Overall, our finding that polymorphisms at ABCA4 and COL2A1 are associated with ocular and other manifestations of Labetalol hydrochloride congenital toxoplasmosis provides novel insight into the molecular pathways that can be affected by congenital infection with this parasite. A thorough understanding of evolutionary history requires detailed information about both the genetic diversity underlying phenotypic variation and the forces that shape that diversity. Consequently, much effort is being devoted to identifying genes of functional significance and to assessing the relative importance of selection and demographic history in patterning genetic diversity. Both of these goals ultimately require genome-scale approaches. Even a simple phenotype may be the product of Echinatin myriad genic interactions, and hence a genome-wide view may be necessary for a full understanding of the genetic components that contribute to a phenotypic trait. Similarly, study of genetic variation at one or a few loci is unlikely to be adequate for differentiating the effects of demography and selection, because patterns of diversity vary widely across the genome even under the simplest neutral equilibrium conditions. Non-equilibrium demographic processes can further increase this variance and mimic expected patterns of genetic diversity following selective events. Large, multi-locus studies of patterns of genetic diversity have proven helpful for inferring the demographic histories of Drosophila and humans, but, apart from Arabidopsis thaliana and domesticated crops, such studies remain rare in plants. To date, the few molecular population genomic analyses in plants have investigated variation at the species level, sampling one or few individuals from disparate locations across a species range without emphasis on local populations. Species-wide sampling is appropriate for testing for deviations from neutral equilibrium if metapopulation dynamics apply.