Their instrument enabled the three-dimensional visualization of different retinal structures, e.g., microscopic blood vessels, and an en face view of the cone photoreceptor mosaic. Simultaneous cSLO and SD-OCT in combination with adaptive optics may have the potential to provide researchers and clinicians with near cellular-resolution information on intraretinal morphology. Although there has been BAY 43-9006 Raf inhibitor progress correlating single cone photoreceptors to the response of central visual neurons anatomical maps or relating retinal nerve fiber layer distribution with visual fields in glaucoma, this is the first report of a high-resolution structure-function correlation of pathology within the central human retina. Such a methodology is capable of revealing an unprecedented pathophysiological context in retinal disease that is highly relevant for therapeutic decision. In diseases such as X-linked retinoschisis where gene therapy has been shown to work in animal models, future therapeutic trials should aim to preserve the outer retinal morphology that, if still intact, may provide the patient with relatively good visual function. A robust correlation between structural abnormalities of the retina and functional deficits may have to be established for every individual disease entity. For enhanced S-cone syndrome due to mutations in the NR2E3 gene, it has recently been shown that both increased and decreased retinal thickness are associated with retinal sensitivity loss. While an increase in retinal thickness was due to a foveal schisis, a decrease was due to neurodegeneration of the retina. This study shows that retinal thickness per se is a poor predictor of retinal function and it underscores the importance to correlate individual retinal layers with retinal function as performed in our study. Current clinical practice emphasizes the development of techniques to diagnose disease in its early stages, when treatment is most effective and irreversible damage can be prevented or delayed. There is a strong need to define surrogate endpoints which may serve as a substitute for a true clinical endpoint but are more efficient. Since our data indicate consistent associations between high-resolution imaging and visual function and since such imaging techniques are becoming more widely available, high-resolution imaging of the retina may have a high potential to serve as surrogate endpoints in future clinical trials. Thus, if mitochondria processes are disrupted, not only energy production, but also cell-specific products needed for normal cell functioning will be affected. Research on HIV-infected CD4-T cells indicates that the virus disrupts a number of mitochondrial pathways including cholesterol biosynthesis, OXPHOS, cellular integrity, and apoptosis. Proteins encoded by HIV, including Vpr, Nef, Vif, Vpu, Tat, and Rev, initially impede programmed cell death, allowing for proliferation of HIV-infected cells, then gradually shift to actively induce apoptosis of CD4-T cells, macrophages, monocytes, and microglial cells, thus causing the hallmark global immunodefiency of AIDS.