Monthly Archives: September 2020

Once detailed structural information of the PB1 subunit becomes available may help to further elucidate features of primary sequence

Mixed populations of viruses may have been sampled in which a virus with a mutant, nonfunctional PB1 protein was ‘rescued’ by a coinfecting virus with a functional PB1 gene/protein. Finally, we cannot rule out the possibility that erroneous sequences were submitted to influenza sequence databases. Interestingly, mutation K480R in motif IV of the PB1 subunit consistently demonstrated slightly increased polymerase activity in H5N1 and H1N1 polymerase complexes relative to wild-type. The amino acid alteration at this position is considered conservative since lysine and arginine are basic amino acids that share similar chemical structures. As this mutation has been found in several early pandemic 2009 virus isolates, we used reverse genetics to introduce the K480R mutation into the PB1 subunit of the A/California/04/09 virus strain to assess viral growth characteristics. Although the K480R mutation yielded increased amounts of replication products and slightly increased replicative ability in the minireplicon assays, the mutation did not affect virus titers in cell culture. We have considered two likely possibilities to explain the discrepancy in replication efficiency results between the in vitro assays and growth curve analysis. While the K480R mutation reproducibly enhanced transcription/replication in two different polymerase backgrounds and in two different cell lines, the observed increase may not be MLN4924 sufficient to translate into a detectable rise in virus titer of the CA04 strain. Alternatively, the mutation in PB1 may increase transcription/replication, but concomitantly interferes with another step in the viral life cycle. Structural data of the PB1 protein, along with the rest of the heterotrimeric polymerase, may help in the interpretation of mutational analysis of these four conserved motifs. To date, there are no crystal structures available of the central region of the PB1 subunit in which the consensus motifs are found. However, based on secondary structure predictions, the ‘invariant’ amino acids are frequently located within or proximal to turn structures that may be crucial for their proper positioning in processes such as cation binding and template specificity. Considering the ‘invariant’ amino acids are embedded in blocks of conserved residues, it is conceivable that the four motifs work cooperatively to form a well-defined functional unit constituting the polymerase module. Therefore, intermotif distances may also be critical for polymerase functionality by providing the correct folding and three-dimensional structure of the protein. potential secondary structures of the four conserved PB1 motifs that contribute to influenza polymerase activity. Despite lack of functional information on the individual conserved PB1 motifs of the influenza virus, sequence comparison and structural analysis of other RNA and DNA dependent viruses suggest motif III as the core of the transcriptase-replicase activity. This motif is defined by a centrally located SDD consensus sequence for influenza viruses. Common among all RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, the two ‘invariant’ aspartic acid residues are flanked by hydrophobic residues and located in the turn of a beta-turn-beta supersecondary structure. Consequently, motif III has been implicated in several functions including metal and phosphate binding, template recognition, and other catalytic functions.

HSCR most commonly presents as isolated cases and displays a complex pattern of inheritance with low

Instead, genes are transcribed in large polycistronic units, with post-transcriptional regulation of mRNA processing and stability used to control mRNA abundance. In T. brucei the mRNAs from neighbouring genes will often display distinct developmentally regulated profiles. Additional processes such as regulated protein synthesis, modification and turnover will also contribute to regulated gene expression. The variation in mRNA abundance in T. brucei between lifecycle stages and during the differentiation process has recently been examined by three global transcriptomic studies using microarrays. Each found extensive regulation of mRNA abundance occurs between lifecycle stages and at different stages during the differentiation process. To date, there have been no genome-wide comparative proteomic studies between the lifecycle stages in T. brucei, and the correlation between mRNA and protein abundance is unclear. We have optimized a procedure for growing T. brucei procyclic form cells in conditions suitable for stable isotope labeling by amino acids in culture, and here we report a genome-wide comparative proteomic analysis of cultured procyclic form and bloodstream form T. brucei cells. Hirschsprung disease, a developmental disorder occurring in 1 of 5,000 live births, is characterized by the absence of ganglion cells along variable lengths of the distal gastrointestinal tract, which results in tonic contraction of the aganglionic gut segment and functional intestinal obstruction. Such aganglionosis is attributed to a failure of neural crest cells to migrate, proliferate, and/or differentiate during enteric nervous system development in the embryonic stage. The RET proto-oncogene is the major gene associated to HSCR with differential contributions of its rare and common, coding and noncoding mutations to the multifactorial nature of this pathology. In addition, numerous molecular genetic studies have identified rare coding mutations in many other genes related to HSCR. However, cumulatively, the conventional mutations related to HSCR reported so far explain less than 5% of cases, being the vast majority of them long segment HSCR/total colonic aganglionosis and syndromic forms of the disease. HSCR is regarded as a complex and multifactorial disorder, in which the contribution of AB1010 several different loci acting in an additive or multiplicative manner is usually required to cause the disease. Because of this evidence, many different techniques have emerged to identify new HSCR susceptibility loci, such as genome wide linkage and genome wide association studies. In this way, several HSCR associated regions, such as 16q23, 21q21, 9q31, 19q12, 3p21 or 4q31.3-q32.3 have been described, although the genes underlying such associations have not been identified yet in the majority of the cases. A recent GWAS has successfully identified NRG1 as a new candidate gene for HSCR. To refine the locus on 8p12 that had resulted to be linked, a total of 243 SNPs were genotyped in Chinese HSCR patients and controls. Genotype analysis narrowed down the HSCR-associated region to six of the most associated SNPs mapping to the NRG1 promoter. Moreover, significant differences in NRG1 expression levels between patients and controls bearing the same rs10088313 risk genotype were detected.

Leptin resistance rapid catch-up growth after IUGR programs the hypertrophy of fat cells

Independently Desai et al. also observed a reduction of leptin activated STAT3 pathway at PND1 after nursing IUGR pups by ad libitum fed dams in order to induce a rapid catch-up growth. These and other findings of the literature reveal the important role of nutrition during the perinatal period in adverse adult health outcomes and permanent changes in energy homeostasis. Leptin is the primary adipose hormones which is produced in proportion to fat stores and circulates as a 16-kDa protein. Adipocytes size is an important determinant of leptin synthesis, since larger adipocytes contain more leptin than smaller. A lack of leptin signalling due to INCB18424 JAK inhibitor mutation of leptin or the leptin receptor in mice and in humans results in an increase of food intake concomitant with a reduction of energy expenditure and leads to severe obesity. Leptin binds to the long form leptin receptor predominantly localized in first order neurons of the arcuate nucleus and in the second order neurons of ventromedial, dorsomedial and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei. Leptin acts on ARC neurons, stimulates both POMC expression and neuronal excitability and inhibits AgRP/NPY expression and AgRP neuronal excitability. Activation of the LepRb results in the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues on JAK2 and three tyrosines on LepRb. Phosphorylation of LepRb Tyr1138 leads to the phosphorylation, dimerization and nuclear translocation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription which activates the transcription of the suppressor of cytokine signaling-3. SOCS-3 then binds to Tyr985 of LepRb and inhibits its activity. The tyrosine phosphatase, SHP2, also binds LepRb on Tyr985 and activates the MAPK cascade via the extracellular signal-regulated kinase. Leptin also activates phosphatidylinositol3-kinase pathway and mammalian target of rapamycin via AKT. In numerous model of diet induced obesity, the impairment of central leptin signalling mostly in hypothalamic neurons but the mechanisms of leptin resistance remains complex and incompletely understood. Several mechanisms may occur and it is likely that, depending on individual circumstances and types of environment as diet or neonatal exposure, leptin could differentially fail to activate or utilize specific signalling cascade to fulfil its role in energy homeostasis. The main mechanisms of leptin resistance are leptin failure to cross the blood–brain barrier because a downregulation of leptin transporter, hypothalamic LepRb downregulation or abnormalities in the leptin receptor signalling pathways, as inhibition of the JAK2– STAT3 pathway, overexpression of SOCS-3 impairment of PI3K-mTOR pathway or more recently of the ERK pathway. In this study we analyzed what are the potential reasons of metabolic abnormalities experienced by IUGR rats. Therefore we tested central leptin sensitivity in adult rats. Correlation with adipose tissue morphology, fat depots accumulation and leptin synthesis were also recorded. We previously demonstrated that IUGR leads to food behaviour disorders paired with a strong increase of insulin and leptin secretion after a meal. Since hyperleptinemia is a sign of leptin resistance, we hypothesized that an adverse foetal and/or postnatal nutritional environment will program the development of leptin resistance at adulthood.

The AGO2 binding may contribute to the protection of premiRNA from nasopharyngeal carcinoma

To demonstrate the synthetic pre-miRNA cleavage by endogenous complexes, Dicer activity from immunoprecipitates and cellular extracts was used, and synthetic precursors were injected into either the nucleus or the cytoplasm of Xenopus oocytes or early embryos. Here, we studied the effect of Dicer protein Trichostatin A partners on premiRNA cleavage efficiency and specificity. Close attention was paid to the length heterogeneity of generated miRNAs after depletion of AGO2, PACT, TRBP and Dicer by RNAi. We showed that the Dicer protein partners affect both miRNA and pre-miRNA levels and have a minor effect on the specificity of Dicer cleavage. We also transfected HeLa cells with synthetic premiRNAs and compared cleavage products with those generated in vitro by recombinant Dicer. The results revealed the appearance of a cleavage intermediate product when pre-miRNA was handled by Dicer alone and the absence of such an intermediate when exogenous pre-miRNA was processed by the endogenous Dicer complex. This suggests the role of Dicer’s protein partners in the synchronization of cleavages triggered by RNase III domains. In this study, we investigated the role of Dicer protein partners in the processing of miRNA precursors. We used RNAi to silence individual Dicer protein partners and analyzed the effects of their inhibition on the endogenous and exogenous miRNA production by high-resolution northern blotting. It has been well documented in the literature that Dicer depletion causes the accumulation of pre-miRNAs and the decrease in the amount of miRNAs. It has also been shown that the level of several pre-miRNAs was not affected by Dicer depletion. In our experimental system, after the depletion of Dicer by RNAi, we observed reduced levels of mature miRNAs and elevated levels of their precursors. Therefore, our observation is in agreement with the majority of previous reports. We also detected the decrease in miRNA amount upon AGO2, TRBP, and PACT depletion. Similar results were reported in the literature and explained by the reduced efficiency of dicing caused by a deficiency of Dicer protein partners. However, upon AGO2, TRBP and PACT depletion we also observed the decrease in the cellular levels of miRNA precursors, which has not been reported so far. As the deficiency of protein partners of Dicer influences the level of Dicer itself, we hypothesize that the pre-miRNA decrease may result from the decreased cellular levels of the functional RLC and a rapid degradation of pre-miRNAs that did not enter the processing complex. The fact that the reduction of TRBP protein level reduces also the level of Dicer protein is in good accordance with the results of others, suggesting that the lack of TRBP decreases Dicer stability and/or affects the assembly of the Dicer complex. Similarly, upon PACT depletion the fall in the Dicer level was observed. It is not surprising that the knockdown of TRBP and PACT causes similar effects, as these proteins can interact with Dicer in a similar manner and can act redundantly to some extent. As far as AGO2 depletion is concerned, the observed decrease in premiRNAs’ level is a novel finding of this study. Earlier, it has been shown that AGO2, which also has a PAZ domain, can bind and cleave pre-miRNAs. It was also proposed that AGO2 may facilitate the access of pre-miRNAs to Dicer.

The development of invasive imaging methods that can provide accurate characterization of the efficacy of new therapeutic strategies

The trabecular meshwork, upon examination showed signs of apparent acute inflammatory responses with accumulation of CD11b+ cells in some groups of animals, especially animals with PS particle or PNIPAM implants. Mild accumulation of CD11b+ cells in trabecular meshwork was also found in animals implanted with PLLA particles. Interestingly, no CD11b+ cells were found in the tissues isolated from animals implanted with either HA particles or BSS controls. Equally importantly, we found a good relationship between the numbers of CD11b+ cells in trabecular meshwork and the average IOP reduction in different groups of implants. These results suggest that particle implant-associated inflammatory responses in trabecular meshwork are responsible for IOP reduction and are supported by many earlier works in which inflammatory responses inside trabecular meshwork have been linked to the reduction of IOP. The results from this study have emphasized the fact that IOP should be measured as part of the evaluation of tissue compatibility of PF-4217903 956905-27-4 ocular implants, specifically in the case of nanoparticle and microparticle implants. Furthermore, the “normal” anatomical structure of retinal, corneal and iris tissue does not guarantee the safety of ocular particle implants. Rather, the histological evaluation of inflammatory responses in trabecular meshwork should be done as an indicator of ocular compatibility of intravitreous implants. Finally, further studies are needed to investigate the influence of material physical and chemical properties on IOP changes and on trabecular tissue responses. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a progressive muscle wasting disease that affects approximately one in 3000 males. The absence of functional dystrophin restricts interaction and signal transduction between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix in both skeletal muscle cells and cardiomyocytes. Advances in the treatment of respiratory failure in DMD patients has increased their life expectancy, but has resulted in many patients developing cardiomyopathy. In the dystrophic heart, cytoskeleton dysfunction can lead to cell membrane rupture, cardiomyocyte necrosis and replacement of contractile myocardium with fibrotic tissue. This increases wall stress, reduces cardiac function and can lead to heart failure. Current treatments, including ACE inhibitors and b-blockers, slow disease progression, but the disease remains incurable. The mdx mouse model of muscular dystrophy has been extensively studied and, although exhibiting a mild form of muscular dystrophy, has been useful for studying pathological mechanisms, disease progression and therapy. Novel gene, antisense oligonucleotide and cell therapies have been used to increase levels of dystrophin and restore skeletal and cardiac muscle function in the mdx mouse. Antisense oligonucleotide therapy, already tested in patients, has shown promise for increasing synthesis of functional dystrophin. Translate such important therapies to the clinic. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography have been used to identify increased end systolic volumes and reduced ejection fractions in the right and left ventricles of muscular dystrophy patients.