Because different classes of secondary metabolites possess individual biological functions, it is reasonable to speculate that diverse secondary metabolites in rapeseed accumulate separately in specific tissues and play different roles in physiological processes or ecological interactions. A recent study, in which laser microdissection was successfully used to harvest specific tissues from CUDC-907 developing rapeseed, encouraged us to apply LMD to sample different tissues of mature rapeseed and map the distribution of diverse secondary metabolites in the seed tissues. Insights gained from understanding how secondary metabolites are distributed in rapeseed can help us to conceive the biosynthesis and function of these metabolites in the plant. LMD has been successfully used to harvest specific tissues or cells from plant material for transcript and protein analyses, and micro-spatial metabolic profiling studies. In this study, LMD was used to sample four different parts, namely, hypocotyl and radicle, inner cotyledon, outer cotyledon, seed coat and endosperm from mature rapeseed. Secondary metabolites of different classes found in rapeseed cv. Emerald, namely glucosinolates, sinapine tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography – diode array detection and mass spectrometry. Here we report the distribution patterns of the above secondary metabolites in different rapeseed tissues and discuss their potential physiological and ecological relevance. Numerous studies have linked E2F activity to cell cycle control. These studies have delineated roles for individual E2Fs in regulating G1/S and G2/M phase transitions of the cell cycle through activation and repression of target genes. The E2F family is comprised of eight distinct gene products which can be divided into three subclasses based on shared functional properties and sequence homologies. E2F1, E2F2 and E2F3 function as activators of transcription and make up one subset. These activator E2Fs are tightly regulated with essentially no expression in quiescent cells and are dramatically induced as cells are stimulated to grow. During mid-to-late G1 phase of cell cycle progression, many E2F-responsive promoters are bound by E2F1, E2F2 or E2F3 coincident with gene activation. E2F4 and E2F5 comprise the second subset of E2F family members. In contrast to the activating E2Fs, E2F4 and E2F5 lack an activation domain and function as repressors of transcription. In the cell cycle, E2F4 and E2F5 are mainly involved in the repression of growth promoting E2F-responsive genes. Studies to elucidate the mechanism of E2F action revealed that these transcription factors modulate gene expression through the formation of coactivator or corepressor complexes that alter chromatin. E2Fs1-3, for example, have been documented to recruit p300/CBP and PCAF/GCN5 histone acetyltransferases to activate target promoters while E2F4 promoter occupancy has been linked to the Sin3B corepressor/ HDAC complex. E2F6, E2F7 and E2F8 comprise the third and most recently discovered group of E2Fs. These E2Fs are unique in that they lack the activation domain common to E2Fs1-3 and the RB-binding domain common to all other E2Fs. Among this third group of E2Fs, the function of E2F6 has perhaps been the most investigated. Mouse knockout studies show E2f6-null mice are healthy and viable but display homeotic transformation of the axial skeleton suggesting a role for E2F6 in developmental patterning.